Set 12

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Set 12 [Test 1]
1) What is the meaning of intention?
a) chool-age child    b) northern    c) string    d) an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions    e) equipment casualty    
2) What is the meaning of loose?
a) tall    b) wanton    c) plateful    d) a bag serving as a container for liquids    e) smoke    
3) What is the meaning of afford?
a) chest    b) prevent from entering    c) xplosive device that explodes on contact    d) wrath    e) e able to spare or give up    
4) What is the meaning of satisfy?
a) make happy or satisfied    b) amiliarity    c) reproduce someone's behavior or looks    d) host    e) a town in central Oregon at the eastern foot of the Cascade Range    
5) What is the meaning of silence?
a) refusal to speak when expected    b) as well    c) explore    d) horrendous    e) quantity