Set 23

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Set 23 [Test 1]
1) What is the meaning of manger?
a) literacy    b) imperative    c) nnecessary and unforeseen trouble resulting from an unfortunate event    d) rough    e) mourn    
2) What is the meaning of kite?
a) jest    b) regal    c) add alcohol to (beverages)    d) flown in wind at end of a string    e) clutter    
3) What is the meaning of inflict?
a) imposing    b) visit    c) jewish    d) metropolis    e) militia    
4) What is the meaning of incidence?
a) ale donkey    b) elative incidence    c) pitch contour    d) reel    e) etween or among planets    
5) What is the meaning of metropolis?
a) madame    b) junk    c) hinge    d) a large and densely populated urban area    e) intellect