Set 31

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Set 31 [Test 1]
1) What is the meaning of umbrage?
a) ffence    b) eficient in alertness or activity    c) representation of a person that is exaggerated for comic effect    d) ull of trivial conversation    e) grow rapidly    
2) What is the meaning of disparate?
a) levity    b) onducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods    c) plummet    d) fundamentally different or distinct in quality or kind    e) derivative    
3) What is the meaning of counterfeit?
a) eady and able to resort to force or violence    b) appease    c) veracity    d) indigent    e) copy that is represented as the original    
4) What is the meaning of eschew?
a) stay clear of    b) menable    c) most frequent or common    d) phlegmatic    e) laconic    
5) What is the meaning of prolific?
a) ertile    b) an injury that doesn't break the skin but results in some discoloration    c) dormant    d) ccupied with or fond of the pleasures of good company    e) finesse