Set 27

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Set 27 [Test 1]
1) What is the meaning of soiree?
a) igger brush    b) party of people assembled in the evening (usually at a private house)    c) andful    d) ordeal    e) recluse    
2) What is the meaning of ophthalmology?
a) party of people assembled in the evening (usually at a private house)    b) phlegm    c) social class    d) he branch of medicine concerned with the eye and its diseases    e) inferior    
3) What is the meaning of omnivorous?
a) phobia    b) oreordain or determine beforehand    c) eeding on both plants and animals    d) quarantine    e) repercussion    
4) What is the meaning of topography?
a) he business of issuing printed matter for sale or distribution    b) sluice    c) he configuration of a surface and the relations among its man-made and natural features    d) a United States Navy fleet consisting of two or more squadrons of small warships    e) hin sheet of filled dough rolled and baked    
5) What is the meaning of unilateral?
a) ventricle    b) photosphere    c) porch along the outside of a building (sometimes partly enclosed)    d) preferential    e) ne-sided