Set 22

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Set 22 [Test 1]
1) What is the meaning of eclipse?
a) overshadow    b) differential    c) eastwards    d) gown    e) discourse    
2) What is the meaning of forthcoming?
a) of the relatively near future    b) genetic    c) glitter    d) grocery store    e) flexibility    
3) What is the meaning of highland?
a) abriel daniel fahrenheit    b) used of high or hilly country    c) discrepancy    d) duly    e) expend    
4) What is the meaning of expel?
a) spectator who can describe what happened    b) encircle    c) n imaginary line around the Earth forming the great circle that is equidistant from the north and south poles    d) expeditiousness    e) cause to flee    
5) What is the meaning of documentary?
a) emphasizing or expressing things as perceived without distortion of personal feelings, insertion of fictional matter, or interpretation    b) garlic    c) fraternity    d) exemplify    e) order by virtue of superior authority