
    Test 1     Test 2     Test 3     Test 4     Test 5     Test 6     Test 7     Test 8     Test 9     Test 10

Remainder [Test 1]
1) If today is Sunday, what is 563 days from today?
2) If this month is January, what is 2299 months from current month?
3) If this month is May, what is 2373 months from current month?
4) If this month is March, what is 1712 months from current month?
5) If today is Sunday, what is 1655 days from today?
6) If this month is January, what is 1802 months from current month?
7) If this month is March, what is 1188 months from current month?
8) If today is Tuesday, what is 2037 days from today?
9) If this month is March, what is 1693 months from current month?
10) Given the pattern ABCDEFGHABCDEFGHABCDEFGH... What is the 1199th char?