Repeating Digits

    Test 1     Test 2     Test 3     Test 4     Test 5     Test 6     Test 7     Test 8     Test 9     Test 10

Repeating Digits [Test 1]
1) Express the number 0.168168168... as a fraction.
2) Express the number 0.123123123... as a fraction.
3) Express the number 0.127127127... as a fraction.
4) Express the number 0.616161... as a fraction.
5) Express the number 0.858585... as a fraction.
6) Express the number 0.182182182... as a fraction.
7) Express the number 0.00121212... as a fraction.
8) Express the number 0.153153153... as a fraction.
9) Express the number 0.646464... as a fraction.
10) Express the number 0.949494... as a fraction.