Set 00

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Set 00 [Test 1]
1) What is the meaning of discover?
a) describe    b) nything happening rapidly or in quick successive    c) mill    d) blow    e) deceive    
2) What is the meaning of sinister?
a) wicked or dishonorable    b) antediluvian    c) mud    d) a short prayer of thanks before a meal    e) divine    
3) What is the meaning of acrimony?
a) gesture    b) loquacious    c) rough and bitter manner    d) long staff with one end being hook shaped    e) coins collectively    
4) What is the meaning of revere?
a) thievery    b) venerate as an idol    c) prideful    d) trolley    e) politely warm and friendly    
5) What is the meaning of haste?
a) strike    b) he act of moving hurriedly and in a careless manner    c) ost desirable possible under a restriction expressed or implied    d) a light shade of grey    e) advise