Set 10

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Set 10 [Test 1]
1) What is the meaning of soap?
a) help    b) dodge    c) money offered as a bribe    d) merchant    e) flick    
2) What is the meaning of quarrel?
a) an informal body of friends    b) argufy    c) organ    d) having a circular shape    e) cause to be without a spouse    
3) What is the meaning of bunch?
a) barrel    b) nurse    c) timothy miles bindon rice    d) ny collection in its entirety    e) senseless talk    
4) What is the meaning of envy?
a) monday    b) alike    c) a sudden large decline of business or the prices of stocks (especially one that causes additional failures)    d) measure    e) begrudge    
5) What is the meaning of ambition?
a) validation    b) a cherished desire    c) glory    d) scatter    e) alleviation of distress