Set 24

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Set 24 [Test 1]
1) What is the meaning of reflective?
a) broody    b) reckless    c) happening or recurring at regular intervals    d) atural scientist    e) plump    
2) What is the meaning of refrigeration?
a) presumably    b) picturesque    c) nfrigidation    d) an advocate of the doctrine that the world can be understood in scientific terms    e) the organization that is the governing authority of a political unit    
3) What is the meaning of preside?
a) something recalled to the mind    b) parasite    c) pharmaceutical    d) perception    e) ct as president    
4) What is the meaning of radiator?
a) pirate    b) oval    c) preoccupied    d) any object that radiates energy    e) potentiality    
5) What is the meaning of negotiator?
a) advocator    b) a written promise to repay a debt    c) egotiant    d) psychology    e) body