Different Base Addition and Subtraction

    Test 1     Test 2     Test 3     Test 4     Test 5     Test 6     Test 7     Test 8     Test 9     Test 10

Different Base Addition and Subtraction [Test 1]
1) 43E16 - 20768 express the result in base 3 3
2) 52326 - 11211023 express the result in base 2 2
3) 6557 - 13146 express the result in base 6 6
4) 27728 + 221105 express the result in base 16 16
5) 111001001102 - 21112103 express the result in base 3 3
6) 103224 - 6267 express the result in base 7 7
7) 150610 + 42517 express the result in base 7 7
8) 84910 + 11010100012 express the result in base 8 8
9) 1222213 + 21246 express the result in base 6 6
10) 101010010112 - 101356 express the result in base 5 5