
    Test 1     Test 2     Test 3     Test 4     Test 5     Test 6     Test 7     Test 8     Test 9     Test 10

Directions [Test 1]
1) A Van is going in the West direction and makes a 765 degree Right turn. What is the final direction ?
a) SouthWest    b) North    c) NorthEast    d) East    e) SouthEast    f) South    g) NorthWest    h) West    
2) A ball is rolling in the West direction and makes a 540 degree Clockwise turn. What is the final direction ?
a) North    b) East    c) NorthEast    d) SouthEast    e) South    f) SouthWest    g) West    h) NorthWest    
3) A baby is crawling in the East direction and makes a 90 degree Right turn. What is the final direction ?
a) East    b) North    c) NorthEast    d) South    e) SouthEast    f) SouthWest    g) West    h) NorthWest    
4) A Van is going in the West direction and makes a 675 degree Anti Clockwise turn. What is the final direction ?
a) South    b) North    c) NorthEast    d) East    e) SouthEast    f) NorthWest    g) SouthWest    h) West    
5) A man is walking in the East direction and makes a 135 degree Clockwise turn. What is the final direction ?
a) South    b) North    c) NorthEast    d) East    e) SouthEast    f) SouthWest    g) West    h) NorthWest    
6) A Jet is flying in the SouthWest direction and makes a 405 degree Right turn. What is the final direction ?
a) North    b) West    c) NorthEast    d) East    e) SouthEast    f) South    g) SouthWest    h) NorthWest    
7) A ball is rolling in the SouthEast direction and makes a 630 degree Left turn. What is the final direction ?
a) North    b) SouthWest    c) NorthEast    d) East    e) SouthEast    f) South    g) West    h) NorthWest    
8) A Car is moving in the East direction and makes a 315 degree Left turn. What is the final direction ?
a) SouthEast    b) North    c) NorthEast    d) East    e) South    f) SouthWest    g) West    h) NorthWest    
9) A Van is going in the North direction and makes a 675 degree Left turn. What is the final direction ?
a) SouthEast    b) North    c) East    d) NorthEast    e) South    f) SouthWest    g) West    h) NorthWest    
10) A man is walking in the SouthEast direction and makes a 675 degree Counter Clockwise turn. What is the final direction ?
a) NorthWest    b) North    c) NorthEast    d) East    e) SouthEast    f) SouthWest    g) West    h) South