Set 33

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Set 33 [Test 1]
1) What is the meaning of compress?
a) extrude    b) make more compact by or as if by pressing    c) procure    d) religious doctrine    e) perforate    
2) What is the meaning of leonine?
a) zymosis    b) venison    c) f or characteristic of or resembling a lion    d) a confused multitude of things    e) iscontented as toward authority    
3) What is the meaning of mirage?
a) penultima    b) eepsake    c) omething illusory and unattainable    d) substance having the tendency to cause corrosion (such a strong acids or alkali)    e) canvass    
4) What is the meaning of baneful?
a) fulmination    b) superimpose    c) nsinuation    d) person holding a fief    e) eadly or sinister    
5) What is the meaning of ferment?
a) work up into agitation or excitement    b) inclined    c) slight suggestion or vague understanding    d) bauble    e) seethe